October 06, 2003 -- HM -- Eyre Log Out | Topics | Search
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Username: mjm

Post Number: 3951
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 - 7:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention
One Way Out
Marie Eyre

(Pages From Sunflower’s Diary)

The Old Ones say that evil spirits
keep their blackest miles
on this reservation. Jesuit priests
find their way, but not me.
I stopped going to church.

Mom died today; my uncles
argue over who should take me.
Dad came to the funeral.
I almost didn’t know him.
He stroked my head and cried.
Then, he was gone.

I hate my hair always braided.
I hate my dark brown eyes.
I want blue ones like Angie
Dickinson. I saw this guy
sweating in the heat, unloading
supplies from the train. I bet he
would notice me if I had blue eyes.

I like the train.
Booze, food, and medicine --
we take what we can get out here.
I love the movie star magazines.

I want to leave this village forever,
but I stay to keep my spirit company.
Foolish spirit doesn’t understand
the difference between real and dreams.
"Stay here where you were born.
Stay with your people,” it sings to me.
I don’t sing back.

I went to white man's school
and I know what’s beyond
this mountain -- not drunken
medicine men dancing
naked at midnight, dropping
their rattles into the bushes,
peeing on them and laughing.
No dirty hard bucks feeling
themselves in front of me
and taunting me to come closer.

I show my best friend my diary.
She wrinkles her nose and says,
"what’s this? It's stupid.
You're supposed to write about real
things.” She likes the part about dirty
hard bucks and makes jokes. I laugh
because she's my only friend.
I won't show her my diary, anymore.

I don't write about things that happen.
There’s nothing good in this place.
Don't want to make it all real again,
not when my words are sleds on ice.
They ride me away. And away is better.
Away is clouds, sky, sweet smells --

the white guy shining in the sun.

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